Sunday, 27 January 2013

chapter 5
difference each IT-related strategic position.

>Chief Information Officer (CIO)
*Serves as the company’s top technology infrastructure manager
*Runs the organization’s internal IT operations
*Works to streamline business processes with technology
*Focuses on internal customers (users and business units)
*Collaborates and manages vendors that supply infrastructure solutions
*Aligns the company’s IT infrastructure with business priorities
*Developers strategies to increase the company’s bottom line (profitability)
*Has to be a skilled and organized manager to be successful

>Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
*Serves as the company’s top technology architect
*Runs the organization’s engineering group
*Uses technology to enhance the company’s product offerings
*Focuses on external customers (buyers)
*Collaborates and manages vendors that supply solutions to enhance the company’s product(s)
*Aligns the company’s product architecture with business priorities
*Develops strategies to increase the company’s top line (revenue)
*Has to be a creative and innovative technologist to be successful

>Chief Security Officer (CSO)
*leader responsible for the development, implementation and management of the organization’s corporate security vision, strategy and programs. 
*They direct staff in identifying, developing, implementing and maintaining security processes across the organization to reduce risks, respond to incidents, and limit exposure to liability in all areas of financial, physical, and personal risk.
 *establish appropriate standards and risk controls associated with intellectual property and direct the establishment and implementation of policies and procedures related to data security.
>Chief Privacy Officer (CPO)
* responsible for managing the risks and business impacts of privacy laws and policies. 
* created to respond to both consumer concern over the use of personal information, including medical data and financial information, and laws and regulations.
*evaluating legislative and regulatory proposals involving collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by the Federal Government. 
*conducting a privacy impact assessment of proposed rules of the Department or that of the Department on the privacy of personal information, including the type of personal information collected and the number of people affected.
*coordinating with the Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
*Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
*responsible for overseeing knowledge information within an organization. 
*The CKO's job is to ensure that the company profits from the effective use of knowledge resources. 
*Investments in knowledge may include employees, processes and intellectual property.
*CKO can help an organization maximize the return on investment (ROI) on those investments.
*Maximize benefits from intangible assets, such as branding and customer relationships.
*Repeat successes and analyze and learn from failures.
*Foster innovation.
*Avoid the loss of knowledge that can result from loss of personnel.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

chapter 4 measuring the success of information technology..

hellow n assalamualaikum,,,,
chat smua,,,,harap2 korang2 y baca blog sy ni chat2 smua ye,,,amboi cam nk tulis surat plak,,,huhu,,, 
what ever,,janji ak dpt cap kn kerja ak for this chpter,,, cam surat pon jdlah,,,bkn ny ak pndai sgt pn buat blog ni,,,heee,,
okey pjam celik,pejam celik ak dah masuk chapter 4 dah dlm business driven technology, bnyak jugak ak bljar tentang information psal technology ni dah iany amat menarik untk di pelajari,,bak kta org putih2 it awesomelh!!!hoho
so lpas kami bljar psal chapter ni my dear lecture give some homework to do,,,,that is AS A SELLER,RIGHT A SHORT COMMENT ABOUT EFFECTIVENESS & EFFICIENCY OF FB...

so mula2 ak akn trang kn ape i2 EFFICIENCY & EFFECTIVENESS secara ringkas,,

 Efficiency and effectiveness metrics are 2 primary types of IT metrics. Efficiency IT metrics measure the performance of the IT system itself including throughput,speed & availability. Effectiveness IT metrics measure the impact IT has on business process and activities including customer satisfaction , conversion rates & sell-though increases.

ok now if i as a seller on fb my comment about efficiency that is actually doing business online on facebook it more easy & more faster and yes it proved! because nowdays many people using technology for easy way to get anything they want,,,example if i'm doing business on facebook that i promote my vitamin c for all my customer in facebook with just update the information also the detail about my vitamin c on facebook. so with that  no need for me difficult to go to each house to explain or make promotion to my if i just update on facebook ,they can read  about my vitamin  on facebokk without  go out from their automatically it will safe time....n get the information more faster.....    

for effectiveness...that is if we doing something we must get a good effectiveness example we doing business on facebook to maintain our business we must get effectiveness especially from customer with give good & right information, must deliver the order in right time and right place & give a good services. so with that our customer with trust us & would always faithful to buy our product..

k i2 sahaje bye2,,, :)    

Wednesday, 2 January 2013


4 basic components of supply chain management 
Production is a key element of supply chain management. This element focuses on what products the market is demanding and what products customers want. In the element of production, many aspects are considered. A company first decides what products to make. The company then determines how many to make and what aspects of production will be outsourced.

1.     Supply and Inventory
o    The second key element of supply chain management is supply. This element focuses on the abilities and capacities of the company's plant operations. The company determines how much is economically and efficiently feasible to produce. This is where the company begins looking into outsourcing. Many companies outsource a portion of the production needs to other companies. This occurs when it is determined that this is the most feasible option. Within this element, companies also begin finding suppliers to provide raw materials for production. In choosing a supplier, many attributes are compared including the cost of the goods and the quality.
Location and Transportation
o    Location and transportation are elements of supply chain management that work together. An organization determines the best locations to produce the desired goods. The company focuses on the best methods for producing, stocking and distributing the goods produced. This decision is based on the available resources and current customers. If a huge customer is located near one of the company's plants, the company may choose to manufacture the goods that company purchases, at the plant located nearby. Other factors included in this decision are the location of suppliers. Within this element, companies decide what methods of transportation are most suitable for delivering goods. Some options include using air transport, sea or rail. The company tries to choose the method that would provide the smoothest distribution of goods as possible.
o    The final element of supply chain management is information and how it is used. Companies utilizing supply chain management must implement methods of recording and passing information that are effective and accurate. This includes using computerized software and linking all computer systems together.

Four components of supply chain management

Supply chain strategy  
Company must know what customer needs and find a way to achieve needs (satisfy customers)

Supply chain partner
Example : company partner > supply :develop , identify partnership 

Supply chain operation
·                     Determine when to buy the customer goods from supplier
When we want to buy things ( customer)
Supply chain logistics 
Involve delivery , transportation