difference each IT-related strategic position.
>Chief Information Officer (CIO)
*Serves as the company’s top technology infrastructure
*Runs the organization’s internal IT operations
*Works to streamline business processes with technology
*Focuses on internal customers (users and business units)
*Collaborates and manages vendors that supply infrastructure
*Aligns the company’s IT infrastructure with business
*Developers strategies to increase the company’s bottom line
*Has to be a skilled and organized manager to be successful
>Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
*Serves as the company’s top technology architect
*Runs the organization’s engineering group
*Uses technology to enhance the company’s product offerings
*Focuses on external customers (buyers)
*Collaborates and manages vendors that supply solutions to
enhance the company’s product(s)
*Aligns the company’s product architecture with business
*Develops strategies to increase the company’s top line
*Has to be a creative and innovative technologist to be
>Chief Security Officer (CSO)
*leader responsible for the development, implementation and
management of the organization’s corporate security vision, strategy and
*They direct staff in identifying, developing, implementing
and maintaining security processes across the organization to reduce risks,
respond to incidents, and limit exposure to liability in all areas of
financial, physical, and personal risk.
*establish appropriate standards and risk controls
associated with intellectual property and direct the establishment and
implementation of policies and procedures related to data security.
>Chief Privacy Officer (CPO)
* responsible for managing the risks and business
impacts of privacy laws and policies.
* created to respond to both consumer concern over the
use of personal information, including medical data and financial information,
and laws and regulations.
*evaluating legislative and regulatory proposals involving
collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by the Federal
*conducting a privacy impact assessment of proposed rules of
the Department or that of the Department on the privacy of personal
information, including the type of personal information collected and the
number of people affected.
*coordinating with the Officer for Civil Rights and Civil
*Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
*responsible for overseeing knowledge information within
an organization.
*The CKO's job is to ensure that the company profits from
the effective use of knowledge resources.
*Investments in knowledge may include employees, processes
and intellectual property.
*CKO can help an organization maximize the return on
investment (ROI) on those investments.
*Maximize benefits from intangible assets, such as branding
and customer relationships.
*Repeat successes and analyze and learn from failures.
*Foster innovation.
*Avoid the loss of knowledge that can result from loss of